WVSR Community Outreach Programs

Willamette Valley Street Rods's members are deeply committed to assisting the listed non-profit organizations through our Community Outreach Programs (COPs): Family Building Blocks, Honoring Heroes, NWCMM Speedster Program, Marion-Polk Food Share, and Toys for Joy.

Apart from providing volunteer hours, toys, food, and monetary donations, we also provide a modest automotive grant to the NWCMM Speedster Program.

Your support for these meaningful initiatives would be highly valued.

Family Building Blocks

Family Building Blocks - Our mission is to keep children safe and families together.

Founded in Salem, oregon in 1997, Family Building Blocks is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is certified Relief Nursery committed to keeping children safe and families together in Marion and Polk Counties.

Their focus is on prevention. They partner with families with the greatest needs yo provide high quality, critical and voluntary services.

Family Building Blocks offers support for parents to form strong bonds with their children and increase thier readiness for their future through the belief that all parents want to gove their children the best possible start in life.

Family Building Blocks is the only organization of their kind in the Marion and Polk Counties Community. They provide the most intensive, specialized services at no cost to families who are facing overwhelming life circumstances.

WVSR has been a proud supporter of FBB since 2002, with many members volunteering their time to this worthy organization. Along with our annual monetary donation WVSR members collect and donate new clothes and toys then deliver them to the kids at Family Building Blocks just before Christmas.

To learn more visit their webpage and see what they are all about FamilyBuildingBlocks.org

Honoring Heroes

Honoring Heroes - Dedicated to assisting United States Veterans, active duty military and their families.

Honoring Heroes is a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting United States Veterans, active duty military and their families.

In 2009, Mark Buchholz came across a radio interview discussing the needs of Veterans serving in Iraq. He, along with some colleagues, organized a fundraiser to gather essential hygiene items for the troops. The event was a great success, resulting in 68 care packages being sent to Iraq for Christmas. The heartfelt cards and thank you letters from Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Navy personnel motivated Mark and his team to keep up their fundraising initiatives.

The years have been exciting and rewarding. "Honoring Heroes" has become an official 501C3 non-profit organization and have coordinated and participated along with others, to hold many various fundraising events. They have sent hundreds of care packages to Iraq and Afghanistan; assisted in the funding of homes built for Veterans who have suffered catastrophic injuries; partnered with local transitional centers to assist Veterans move into their new housing.

Honoring Heroes also assists homeless veterans receive basic necessities, provides funding for returning Veterans their families suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

For more info on Honoring Heroes and/or how you can help visit honoringheroes.us


Marion Polk Food Share

Marion Polk Food Share - helping neighbors through turbulent times

Your support helps neighbors through turbulent times. The Marion and Polk counties compassionate community has made sure that none of our neighbors should be without the food they need through difficult times.

Supporting farmworkers and their families
From March to November, AWARE's mobile pantry delivers fresh produce and shelf stable items directly to work sites and farmworker housing sites.
Find help near you
Marion Polk Food Share believes that everyone should have enough to eat. If you are hungry, help is available at over 50 local food pantries and meal sites.
More than just a meal
The dedication of the volunteers at Meals on Wheels and the support of generous donors is a testament to the power of our community.

Willamette Valley Street Rods collects non-perishable food during our annual Carousel Cruise and donates it along with half of the 50/50 drawing taken at our monthly member meeting. so they may distribute emergency food boxes and prepare on site meals for those in need.

Find more information or learn how to further assist this charity at MarionPolkFoodShare.org

NWVCMM Speedster Program

Northwest Vintage Car and Motorcycle Museum Speedster Program

The Northwest Vintage Car and Motorcycle Museum is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and the board of directors decided to start an educational program to benefit the community and help youth develop an interest in vintage cars and motorcycles. To help achieve this goal, the Education Committee came up with a plan to establish a class for selected students to teach them how to build a Model T Speedster from a pile of donated parts.

The Museum provides 10 or more mentors while the Salem-Keizer School District selects a similar number of high school students for the program and they provide the student supervision. During the school year, mentors and students meet one day each week from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The average student work time is approximately 800 hours each year. After 25 to 30 sessions, students build a finished roadster and they receive a "Model T Drivers Certificate."

Willamette Valley Street Rods provides the NW Vintage Car & Motorcycle Museum Speedster program funds for supplies and equipment that teach high school students valuable skills.

For more information visit the Speedster page.


How does WVSR choose these charities you might ask?
The membership votes on whom and how much to support an organization that fits the following criteria:
It must be a non-profit organization.
It must support the local community.
During our annual event they must staff an information booth about their organization.
Low percentage of donations going to salaries and administrative costs.

Donations come from the net proceeds of our annual event held on Saturday of Labor Day Weekend. The 2021 breakdown is as follows:
60% Family Building Blocks
30% Honoring Heroes
5% Marion Polk Food Share
5% Toys for Joy
$1,000 annually for the NWVCMM Speedster Program

Please contact us if you have any questions about our charitable donations and support.